APT Basilicata

APT Basilicata

Basilicata turistica

Birdwatching in Moist Areas

Miglionico: The Oasis of S. Giuliano

The oasis of San Giuliano is one of the protected areas of the Italian WWF. The area, which extends for about 1,000 hectares, is mostly occupied by an artificial pond made in the 1950s. The rest comprises part of the river Bradano ravine, characterised by a deep canyon, and a stretch of the river up the lake. The flora around the pond is very varied and alternates a strip of conifers and eucalyptuses with areas with strips of Mediterranean maquis with lentisk, wild pear, Christ's thorn, juniper, mock privet, hawthorn and pubescent oak. The fauna is also very rich thanks to the presence of great white egrets, purple herons, cormorants, widgeons, teals, storks, sea eagles and mammals such as foxes, badgers, porcupines, wild boars and otters. Didactic activities organized by the WWF take place in the area periodically.

Grumento Nova: The Stone Lake of the Pertusillo

The dam of the so-called Stone Lake of the Pertusillo was built in the 1950s, in the Spinoso area, damming up the River Agri, where the Pertusillo narrows. This dam has a surface of 75 square kilometres and a capacity of 145-155 million cubic metres of water. In spite of the fact that this work had a very strong impact on the environment, preservation and respect for the environment allow the proliferation in the area of several animal species, including some uncommon ones, living in the lake. Amongst the sedentary animals are bald-coots, wild ducks, dun-birds and most of the birds of prey of Italy. In the isolated parts of the Lake also the grey heron can be found.

Pignola: The Oasis of the Pantano Lake

Placed at a few km far from Potenza, the Lake of Pantano di Pignola spreads out in a valley surrounded by mountains that reach 1,000 metres. This Lake was originated by an artificial dam in an area of meadows and cultivated fields, which used to be marshy, but was later cleaned up. There is much submerged vegetation and on the Lake shores cane thickets and rushes grow. Amongst the trees there are several kinds of willows, alders and poplars. The birds living around the Lake are very interesting, as some of these species are particularly beautiful. For example grey herons, moorhens, egrets, widgeons, teals and some species of ducks, such as great crested grebes, kingfishers and lapwings. Also many amphibious species live there: frogs, toads and yellow-bellied toads. The environment of the Lake is furthermore enriched by the presence of several carnivorous and insectivorous mammals, such as weasels, foxes, beech martens, hedgehogs and shrews.

Rionero in Vulture - Monticchio: Monticchio Lakes

Rich vegetation, characterised by beech, pine, fir and chestnut woods, create an enchanting frame to the Monticchio Lakes. They formed on the crater of the extinguished volcano. The Lago Piccolo (Small Lake) and the Lago Grande (Big Lake) are separated by a stream. They look like two gems that, during the day, reflect the glows of the green nature moulding and confusing themselves in it and, during the night, create a very evocative landscape. Those who love nature will find in this wonderful scenery the right environment for their explorations and will have a taste of the lightly sparkling water that naturally springs from the streams.

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