APT Basilicata

APT Basilicata

Basilicata turistica

Geologic Itineray n. 1

Stop 1 - Lucanian Dolomites

In Pietrapertosa and Castelmezzano area there are spectacular outcrops of the ‘Flysh’ of Gorgoglione, a formation constituted by Serravalliano-Tortoniano sandstone alternations, pelites and conglomerates. The panorama of the area is dominated by the outcrops of the arenaceus and conglomeratic counters strongly inclined for the Apennine orogenesis. There are natural sculptures of zoomorphic and anthropomorphic aspect, deriving from selective erosion.

Stop 2 - Overthrust

In Campomaggiore area (PZ) emerges one of the main overthrusts of the Apennine range, that overlaps the ‘Varicolori’ Clays to the formation of Serra Palazzo. Along the overthrusts plan a thin sandstone wedge and conglomerates of the Pliocene are insinuated. The outcrop is of remarkable importance because it brings clearly to light a very frequent tectonic structure in this southern Apennine zone, but rarely observable.

Stop 3 - Craco

The village of Craco, of medieval origin, is situated on a crest constituted by vertical rock conglomerates that rise up among clays and sands, giving life to a great suggestive atmosphere. The locality is encircled by ravines’ morphologies and to NE the ‘olocenici’ dregs that border the Salandrella stream are very visible. The inhabitants of Craco have been forced to abandon it definitively after one of the several reactivations of the sliding down movement of a liable that has interested the western hillside.

Stop 4 - The Pisticci Ravines (‘calanchi’)

From Pisticci (MT), turning the look towards the stream, an immense ravines’ area can be admired. In particular the various evolutionary stages of the erosive process called ‘a calanco’ can be observed, which gives origin to the innumerable orographic sculptures as for example the ravines’ foreheads, the ‘mammellonati’ areas, the ‘biancane’ etc.

Stop 5 - The Alianello Anticline

Along the left side of the river in the Aliano’s communal territory, a beautiful anticlinal structure can be observed, which interests the cycle of San Lorenzo conglomerate. The structure is particularly evident and it interests recent dregs of the Sant’Arcangelo Basin (the inferior Pleistocene) laid bare by the fluvial erosion.



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