APT Basilicata

APT Basilicata

Basilicata turistica

Picerno - Monticchio Lakes

Total Distance: 77,3 Km


This stage, a watershed point between the Tyrrhenian and the Adriatic Sea, touches one of the highest passages of Basilicata.

From Picerno we get down again towards the stream of Tito and we go on along the stream of Picerno, crossing Baragiano scalo and Bella Muro fractions, until arriving to Giacoia bridge, from where a splendid view on the characteristic centre of Muro Lucano is admired. The street begins sweetly to go up and then reaches the historical centre of Muro Lucano.

From the inhabited centre the street emphasizes the slope as far as the cemetery, from where a series of ups and downs carry to the inhabited area of Castelgrande.

Along the way the landscape changes: the sweet and undulate landscapes leave the place to the sour mountain tormented by deep splits. When Castelgrande has been reached, the main route is resumed; going on through the Ofanto river’s valley we arrive to Pescopagano.

After having crossed the village, we continue to Melfi until the state railway station (Ferrovie dello Stato) of Aquilonia and we begin to go up for a fast climb until the Monticchio Bagni fraction.