APT Basilicata

APT Basilicata

Basilicata turistica

Rotonda - Terranova

Total Distance: 87,5 Km


From the main square of Rotonda we go towards Viggianello, a small agricultural centre hidden in a gorge at the foot of the Pollino, where it is possible to visit the castle of Norman origins, recently restored.

After passing through the village, we reach San Severino Lucano, one of the smaller and prettier villages at the foot of the Pollino.

This small village, one of the coldest ones, offers a view which goes from the Alpi Mountain on the right until Serra di Crispo on the left. We continue our route to reach Francavilla sul Sinni, founded in the XV century and then we arrive at San Costantino Albanese, located at 650 metres of height and come forward the Sarmento Valley. A beautiful chestnut forest stands just next to the inhabited area. The town centre deserves a visit; then we go down towards Terranova del Pollino.

We enter in the centre of Terranova del Pollino and we conclude the route in front of the Mother Church rebuilt on the site of a XVI century church. This small village is very pretty. From the inhabited centre it is possible to effect numerous excursions to the height grassland of Piano del Pollino and Dolcedorme.