APT Basilicata

APT Basilicata

Basilicata turistica

Policoro - Wildlife Reserve Bosco Pantano

Centro di Educazione Ambientale - Bosco Pantano
Oasi WWF Policoro-Herakleia
Piazza Siris, 1 - Loc. Idrovora - Policoro (MT)
Centro Visite:
Tel. 0835 1825157 - Cell. 340 7287994
Fax: 0835 093113
Web: www.oasiwwfpolicoro.net  
E-mail: [email protected]  

Referenti Oasi WWF: Antonio Colucci (cell. 340 7287994) - Annunziata Micò (cell. 349 6603749)

It is a rare example of ‘planiziale’ wood overlooking the Jonian Sea.

From a naturalistic and scientific point of view, it is interesting because of the presence of a once very large hardwood forest, made smaller after the agrarian reform, with rare flora and fauna including wild boars, roe deer, martens and otters.

Its importance depends on the presence of huge trees and widely differing arboreal environments.