Tour virtuali: Eugenio Malatacca |
Grafica: Andrulli Gianni, Nicola Petrillo |
Testi: Elvira De Giacomo
Traduzioni: Elvira De Giacomo
Sviluppo Web: Cristiano Santeramo |
Coordinamento: Matteo Visceglia | APT Basilicata
Anno produzione: 2009
The Church of Santa Maria de Idris dates back to the XIV-XV centuries and is partially built and partially dug into the rocky side of Mont Errone. From its entrance it is possible to admire the Sasso Caveoso, the Civita, some houses and churches and also the steep drop of the Gravina stream.
Its façade was rebuilt in the XV century after a collapse. The altar, dating back to 1804, is surmounted by a fresco with the Virgin Mary in Throne with the Child. On the right there are some frescoes representing the conversion of St. Eustachio, the Sacred Family and St. Antonio. On the left there is the Annunciation. Another room has a stoup and two cisterns dug into the rock.
On the altar’s left there is a tunnel which reaches to the Crypt of St. Giovanni in Monterrone, one of the most ancient rock-hewn churches in Basilicata (X century). It was initially used as a baptistery (nowadays the medieval rock font is still visible) and then as burial (many tombs have been found inside and outside the crypt). It is completely dug into the rock, has one nave and in the end there is a raised apse. On the walls there are many beautiful frescoes which portray, for example: the Christ Pantocrator (XII-XIII century), St. Nicholas (XII), the Annunciation (XIII-XIV), St. James and St. Peter (XII-XIII) and numerous overlapping frescoes.
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