APT Basilicata

APT Basilicata

Basilicata turistica

Santa Lucia alle Malve


Tour virtuali: Eugenio Malatacca | 3dimensioni.it
Grafica: Andrulli Gianni, Nicola Petrillo | ego55.com
Testi: Elvira De Giacomo
Traduzioni: Elvira De Giacomo
Sviluppo Web: Cristiano Santeramo | agileweb.it
Coordinamento: Matteo Visceglia | APT Basilicata
Anno produzione: 2009


The Church of St. Lucia alle Malve is annexed to a Benedictine nunnery founded in the XI century. This rock-hewn church was first named after St. Agata, martyr in Catania, and between 1217 and 1267 it was dedicated to St. Lucia, martyr from Siracusa. In 1525 the nuns moved to a new building close to the Civita and the church was used as home. In 1798 the nuns had a new church and annexed nunnery in the new town (the Piano), where there is the Church of St. Lucia al Piano. The pictorial complex has a great value and there are, for example: the “Madonna delle Grazie”, “St. Gregorio”, “St. Michele”, “St. Benedetto”, “St. Giovanni Battista”, “St. Scolastica”, “St. Nicola” and the “Coronation of the Virgin among the Saints”.
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