APT Basilicata

APT Basilicata

Basilicata turistica

Hotel delle Colline



Via Belvedere s.n.c.
85054 - Muro Lucano (PZ)
Tel.: +39 0976 2284
Fax: +39 0976 2160
E-mail: hoteldellecolline.com
Sito web: www.hoteldellecolline.com [email protected]


Hotel delle Colline or The Hills Hotel is situated on a Cliffside position in Muro Lucano, 650m above sea level. The friendly and hospitable hotel offers peaceful surroundings and a magnificent view over the imposing Norman castle of the XIV Century, which was once the setting of the assassination of Giovanna I d’Angiò, Queen of Naples. At the restaurant of Hotel delle Colline you can taste many of the local delicacies including wild mushrooms and truffles among the specialties of the chef Peter Ciaglia, Knight of Labour and International Golden Chef.

Servizi aggiuntivi

There is a small space to use for bike washing or minor repairs, bicycle rentals, bike collection service within 15 km and mechanic service are available on demand.


Bassa stagione: € 32,00
Alta stagione: € 35,00

* Prezzo a persona (adulto), per un pernottamento in camera doppia con prima colazione inclusa.
Bassa stagione: from 1/1/2011 to 31/3/2011 and from 1/10/2011 to 31/12/2011.
Alta stagione: from 1/4/2011 to 30/9/2011.

Info e Prenota

Galleria fotografica

Hotel delle Colline
Hotel delle Colline
Hotel delle Colline
Hotel delle Colline
Hotel delle Colline

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