APT Basilicata

APT Basilicata

Basilicata turistica

Hotel Villa del Lago



C.da Chianizzi
85038 - Senise (PZ)
Tel.: +39 0973 686735
Fax: +39 0973 689200
E-mail: [email protected]
Sito web: www.villadellago.it


The Hotel Villa del Lago is located on Senise lake-side on the way to the Pollino National Park, it is easy to reach as it is near the Sinnica ss main road. The hotel is the perfect location to spend a weekend in Europe’s largest natural park and to discover historical and cultural wonders, such as the literary parks of Isabella Morra, Carlo Levi and Albino Pierro.

Servizi aggiuntivi

There is a small space to use for bike washing or minor repairs.


Prezzo: € 35,00

* Prezzo a persona (adulto), per un pernottamento in camera doppia con prima colazione inclusa.

Info e Prenota

Galleria fotografica

Hotel Villa del Lago
Hotel Villa del Lago
Hotel Villa del Lago
Hotel Villa del Lago
Hotel Villa del Lago

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