APT Basilicata

APT Basilicata

Basilicata turistica

3 days - Cities of Art in the Area around Matera

Length of the Itinerary: 3 days


The excursion to Matera begins with the visit to the renowned Sassi, an authentic monument to the peasant civilization. There it will be possible to visit the beautiful Cathedral and, not very far, the Ridola Museum. In the afternoon it is advised an excursion to the Park of the rock churches, with its frescoed churches dug in the cliff.

A short pause in Miglionico will be useful in order to visit the ‘Malconsiglio’ Castle. Montescaglioso is interesting for the famous San Michele Arcangelo Abbey.

The route will be concluded at Metaponto, where the Archaeological Park and the Tavole Palatine are worth visiting. The Museum stands in the neighbourhood of the archaeological area.