APT Basilicata

APT Basilicata

Basilicata turistica

Maratea and the Tyrrhenian Coast

The Lucanian Tyrrhenian coast comprises a 30 km stretch running from Punta del Crivi, just north of Acquafredda, to the Spiaggia “d'a Gnola”, south of the Secca di Castrocucco. Approaching from the Valle del Noce, coming through Trecchina, all of a sudden the verdant landscape of woods in an exciting leap plummets to the sea. An unbroken chain of coves, promontories and islets stud the deep, deep blue of this stretch of the Tyrrhenian. Maratea scattered over the mountains and along the coast seems to have been part of the land forever. The sight that meets the eyes can only be described as a small corner of paradise. This coast, surrounded by mountains and a mantel of woods, has only been the destination of a tourist in search for places that offer rare natural beauty since the sixties. Yet Maratea's natural surroundings are only the scenic backdrop to a land steeped in history and culture. A stay here offers the visitor the chance of a new awareness. When Maratea was founded is still doubtful. Probably of Greek origin – in the VIII century B.C. a group of Greek colonies established a bridgehead on Mount San Biagio – Maratea seems to be the remains of the lost Roman town ‘Blanda Julia’, which for a much well-supported hypothesis today would seem to have been located around the mouth of the river Noce on the bottom slopes of Mount Castrocucco. The certainty that these surroundings were bustling with life comes from the fact that the small island of Santo lanni which is found a few metres off the coast was used in Roman times for the trading of 'Garum', a fish sauce the Romans held very dear. The enthusiasm and forbearance of the archaeologists who carry out on-field digs in the area has brought to light a series of tubs in ground earthenware, ideal for marinating the fish used in the preparation of Garum, as well as a collection of breeding tubs in the area to the south of the island. The search was prompted by what can only be called a bed of anchors, dating back to 300 B.C. located in the stretch of sea around Santo lanni. The findings of this fascinating research can be seen in the ‘Museo Comunale’ (Town Hall Museum). The sea is one of the cleanest in Italy (Maratea is equipped with one of the most avant-garde purifiers in Europe), and the coast is studded with hordes of small beaches and grottoes engulfed in uncontaminated surroundings. The rocky sea bed is very deep almost from the coast and is ideal for observing sea life. And by the way, you should know that in the stretch of sea above Castrocucco a proposal for a marine park has been put forward to safeguard the eco-balance and the archaeological finds and a Roman villa with tubs like those found in Santo lanni, near Capo la Secca. Navigation is facilitated by a tourist harbour which is very well-equipped and capable of mooring even larger vessels. The centre of Maratea, with its characteristic medieval district offers a very pleasant stroll through the ‘vicoli’ (lanes) which not only offer the visitor the chance for some shopping but also a series of international, cultural entertainment with art shows, concerts of classical music as well as jazz and folk events. There are many excursions organised throughout the entire Basilicata. Another interesting feature of Maratea is the cyclopic statue of Christ the Redeemer, 21 m high and an arm span of 19 m. Dominating from mount San Biagio it overlooks the entire panorama where the view includes the coast and some of the hinterland. To complete the description, hotel accommodation is quite remarkable. The restaurants are a treat and offer a range of the local Lucanian cuisine as well as the original dishes of some competent cooks.