APT Basilicata

APT Basilicata

Basilicata turistica

The Land of the Two Seas

Basilicata is unquestionably a region of strong contrasts so clear even in the nature of the different types of land. The scenery is truly unique. Mainly mountainous, it faces the Tyrrhenian Sea on the south-west on the natural scenic beauty of the Gulf of Policastro. To the southeast, we have the Jonian Sea of the Gulf of Taranto. Maratea is the unchallenged jewel of the Tyrrhenian coast while Metaponto and Policoro, important reference points as old as the Magna Graecia when the Ancient Greeks founded colonies here, dominate the Jonian coast. Today major attractions of Lucanian tourism, the three towns are focussing their efforts on even greater achievements through the reappraisal of the natural environment and of their ancient past.