APT Basilicata

APT Basilicata

Basilicata turistica

The Vulture

This is the most northern point of the ridge that crosses Basilicata. With its dead volcano the earth is very fertile comprising mostly woods, like that of Monticchio, and its two lakes, with the same name, at 660 m above sea level and which originally were two craters separated by a narrow tongue of land. Protected by a very green and thick curtain of beeches, oaks, chestnut trees, alders, ash trees, maples and lime trees here we have perhaps the most unique and picturesque sight of the Vulture. The fauna of the waters and the woods are no less packed and boast rarities of every species. The most famous unique species to be found on the Vulture is the ‘Bramea europea’, the night moth that is elsewhere only found in Asia. The Forestry Commission has created a protected area of 200 hectares to safeguard it. This was the first instance in Italy, in 1971 of the creation of a protected area for an insect. The moth's presence here is associated with the growth of the ‘Fraxinus oxycarpa’, an ancient plant of Balkan-Asian origin.