APT Basilicata

APT Basilicata

Basilicata turistica

Skiing in Basilicata

Basilicata offers three different resorts where skiing enthusiasts can comfortably and safely practice their favourite sport. Only 24 km from Potenza, in Abriola we have the tourist resort La Sellata-Pierfaone. Thanks to its stunning location with breathtaking views and its well-equipped skiing centres it is the most important resort in the region. ‘La Sellata’ can be reached on a direct road from Potenza, which goes through Pignola, rising the altitude of 1,255 metres. The skiing installations include two ski-lifts, called ‘Pierfaone’, which are 1,500 metres long and which lead to the most difficult slopes. Higher up there is also a cross-country circuit.

On Mount Volturino (1,836 m a.s.l) between mount Sellata-Pierfaone and Mount Viggiano the very latest installations have been built (two-seater chair-lift). Another ski centre is found 88 km from Potenza called Sacro Monte di Viggiano (the Sacred Mount of Viggiano). A main road runs from the town of Viggiano, a holiday resort, up to the Mount of the Madonna where, at 1,400 m, there are skiing installations serving what are mainly easy slopes. Then 112 km from Potenza, in Lagonegro you can ski on Mount Sirino. Lift installations are provided for those skiing enthusiasts who want to combine the pleasure of a sport with the natural beauty of breathtaking scenery.