APT Basilicata

APT Basilicata

Basilicata turistica

A Little Geological Picture

In the Lucanian Apennines three tectonic features can be identified: 1) Apennine in the restricted sense of the word with clastic sediments (gravel, clay and sand) from the Mio-Pliocene epoch; 2) Bradanic trough to the East of the Apennine with Pliocene and Quaternary deposits; 3) The foreland of Apulia, the Table of the Murgia is found whose outer limits are situated in Basilicata. From West to East the carbonatic plateau of Campana-Lucano stretches to the Basin of Lagonegro (mounts Volturino and Sirino); the mountains to the North-East and South-East of Potenza; the Irpinia Range; the Silentine Range (from Cilento, sub-region of the surrounding Campania). The main features of the region are the volcano activity of Vulture, the seismic movements in the North (Melfese and Potentino), continuously active in both Irpinia and Campania, and the glacial features of Sirino (traces have been found of the last glacialisation, that of the Wurm stage which goes back 50-100,000 years). Also in the south of the region around the area of Mount Pollino, there is the possibility of earthquakes. Landslides are also an occurrence: 70% of the towns and villages between the Sinni and the Basento have been affected. This is probably due to the type of soil and to the deforestation, necessary to make room for pastures and the growing of cereals.