APT Basilicata

APT Basilicata

Basilicata turistica

Parks and Protected Areas - Rubbio Wood

Pollino Rotonda's Park
Tel. 0973 669311 - Fax 0973 667802
Web: www.parcodelpollino.it
E-mail: [email protected]it

The Rubbio Wood is an oriented Natural Reserve instituted in 1972. Its name comes from that of the stream that is a tributary of the River Sinni.

The aim of this Reserve is to protect an interesting part of the beech and fir woods on the Basilicata side of the Pollino Massif.

The peculiarity of this Forest is that here firs are much more relevant than beeches.

This situation cannot be found in any other part of the Massif, and here there are specimens of firs much bigger than the average ones.

Inside the Rubbio Wood there is s little pond called ‘Lago d’Erba’ (Grass Lake). On its bed grow plants that are typical of humid areas and can only be seen in particular situations, as the water level is very changeable.