APT Basilicata

APT Basilicata

Basilicata turistica

Parks and Protected Areas - The High Part of Agri Valley

This Valley, situated in the South-West part of Basilicata, takes its name from the Agri River and is one of the most beautiful and characteristic of Southern Italy.

Its shape is that of a wide varix, surrounded by mountains, and is characterised by different environments and areas.

The villages are on the hills along the first part of the course of the Agri River, 136 km long.

This river rises from the mountainside of the Volturino and flows in the Jonian Sea near Policoro.

This area is overlooked by two mountains, Volturino (1,856 m) and Monte di Viggiano (1,725 m). On the latter there is the Santuario of the Madonna di Viggiano, one of the best known in Southern Italy.

In the Agri Valley there are numberless beauties of the landscape.

Worth seeing is the Volturino beech-wood, rich in wood flowers, such as dark red cyclamens, holly, red lilies and daffodils: the Moliterno beech-wood, with imposing trees and Tramutola chestnut-wood.