APT Basilicata

APT Basilicata

Basilicata turistica

Parks and Protected Areas - Monte Cotugno Lake

Ente Irrigazione Diga di Monte Cotugno
Tel. 080 5413111 - 0971 302238
Note: per le visite è necessario richiedere un permesso alla Direzione Generale di Bari

The dam of Monte Cotugno, near Senise, is the biggest clay dam in Europe.

This dam started working in 1983 and it stops the flow of the River Sinni right where its bed narrows.

The water of the River is collected and used for farming, industrial and drinking purposes.

The wall that forms this dam, whose max capacity is 530 million cubic metres, is about 1,850 metres long, 60 metres high and 260 metres wide at its basis.

Experts thought to channel in this lake also the water of the Sarmento Stream and of the Agri River in order to assure a higher filling frequency of the dam.