APT Basilicata

APT Basilicata

Basilicata turistica

Parks and Protected Areas - The National Park of Pollino

Parc of Pollino Rotonda
Tel. 0973 669311 - Fax 0973 667802
Web: www.parcodelpollino.it
E-mail: [email protected]

EcoTourPollino: https://sites.google.com/site/ecotourpollino/escursioni

It was created as a Regional Park in 1985 and was changed into National Park in 1989 widening its area to 192,565 hectares, half in Calabria and half in Basilicata.

Its present perimeter was fixed in 1993, when the ‘Ente Parco’ was instituted. In this area live 175,000 inhabitants spread in 56 villages.

This Park is a wonderful natural sight with spectacular peaks, rich woods and fauna amongst the rarest and most interesting in the South of Italy. The main characteristic of this area is the variability of its vegetation.

Its landscapes go from maquis to beech woods, from the prairies on the heights with gentians and asphodels, to woods of Turkey oaks and oaks.

For the great variety and quantity of medicinal herbs available in this area some think that the name of the Mountain comes from ‘Apollo’, Greek god of health.