APT Basilicata

APT Basilicata

Basilicata turistica

Lagonegro - Laudemio Lake


Monte Sirino Sci s.r.l.
Lago Laudemio 85042 Lagonegro (PZ)
Rifugio Conserva di Lauria: 0973 890004
Sito web: www.montesirinosci.it
E-mail: [email protected]

Scuola Sci Monte Sirino
Lago Laudemio 85042 Lagonegro (PZ)
Sito web: www.scuolascimontesirino.com
E-mail: [email protected]
Cell: 338 3525928 (sci Alpino) - 349 7561374 (sci Nordico)

Leaving from Lagonegro and following for about 3 km the road towards Moliterno, it is possible to reach the enchanting Laudemio Lake.

On a slope of the Papa Mountain, in the Sirino Massif, at 1,500 metres on the level of the sea, there is the hollow of the small Laudemio Lake.

It is the most Southern lake of glacial origin and is 25 hectares wide. This resort is mostly visited in winter, because of its well-equipped ski tows.

The reserve is also characterised by the presence of some plants, such as the Vicia sinnicae and the Astragalus sirinicus. These are two plants that grow only in this area of the Sirino Mountain.

In the woods there is plenty of strawberries, raspberries and blackberries.

Near the lake there is a sculpture dedicated to the mountain-dweller.