APT Basilicata

APT Basilicata

Basilicata turistica

Maratea - Maratea Caves

Porto Turistico di Maratea Srl
Via Banchina Porto, 35 – 85040 Maratea
Tel 0973 877307 - Fax 0973 877115
Web: www.marateaportoturistico.tiscali.it
Apertura: tutti i giorni 9:00-12:00 e 15:00-18:00
Costo noleggio barca circa € 70 al giorno
Note: si effettuano noleggio barche, rimessaggio ed assistenza nautica

Centro Sub Maratea (Sig. La Gatta)
Via Santa Caterina, 28 - 85046 Maratea
Tel./Fax 0973 870013 - Cell. 338 8777899
Web: www.web.tiscalinet.it/csmaratea/
E-mail: [email protected]
Apertura: dal 10/05 al 10/10; apertura 24h/24h
Costo: € 20 per adulti; € 10 per bambini da 6 a 12 anni; gratuito >6 anni.

Per visita grotta a piedi: lungo la SS 18
Coop Ma-ar-ethea
Via San Nicola - 85046 Maratea
Tel./Fax 0973 876393 - Cell. 333 1119442
Web: [email protected]
Note: le grotte sono visitabili dal 1 giugno al 15 settembre
Orari: tutti i giorni 9:30-12:30 e 16:00-19:00 comprese le festività
Costo € 3 adulti; € 2 ridotti fino a 12 anni

The Caves of Maratea, often hollowed in the rock by the sea, are a particularly interesting phenomenon. Many of them show signs of human presence during prehistory.

In the area called ‘Marina’, it is possible to visit several of these caves.

Amongst them there is the Monacelli Cave that can only be reached by boat and that is characteristic for its blue colour, due to the effect of the light reflected in an underwater cave.

The Cave of the Bats and the Judia Cave can be reached by boat. The latter can also be reached through a path along the beach and is characterised by spring water bubbles, due to the presence of marine springs.

The Dream Cave is particularly evocative and has a wide entrance in a spur on the sea. On the Northern side of the Caina Cape there is the fascinating Cetroselle Cave.

These Caves should be explored with caution and with the help of a guide.