APT Basilicata

APT Basilicata

Basilicata turistica

Parks and Protected Areas - The Peaks of Pollino

Pollino Park
Tel. 0973 669311 - Fax 0973 667802
Web: www.parcodelpollino.it
E-mail: [email protected]

The Pollino Massif includes several peaks, 5 of them are higher than 2,000 metres: Serra del Prete (2,181), Monte Pollino (2,248), Serra Dolcedorme (2,267), Serra delle Ciavole (2,130) and Serra di Crispo (2,053).

The landscape here is characterised by deep ravines, several and rich springs, wide fluvial valleys.

The whole ‘Serra di Crispo’ is an immense garden, one of the most attractive and evocative places in the whole Massif, this is why it is called ‘Giardino degli Dei’ (Gods’ Garden).

From these peaks it is possible to admire a memorable view over the surrounding valleys.