APT Basilicata

APT Basilicata

Basilicata turistica

Maratea and Sirino - Sirino Mountain


APT Basilicata - Ufficio di Maratea
Piazza del Gesù, 32 - 85040 Maratea (pz)
Tel. 0973 876908 - Fax 0973 877454
E-mail: [email protected]

Sirino Sci s.r.l.
Lago Laudemio 85042 Lagonegro (PZ)
Rifugio Conserva: 0973 821699 - Rifugio Italia: 0973 821485
Sito web: www.sirinosci.com 
E-mail: [email protected]

Scuola Sci Monte Sirino
Lago Laudemio 85042 Lagonegro (PZ)
Sito web: www.scuolascimontesirino.com
E-mail: [email protected]
Cell: 338 3525928 (sci Alpino) - 349 7561374 (sci Nordico)


The Sirino-Papa Massif (2,000 metres high) is the second highest peak in the Southern Apennines.

Winter snow attracts here all those who love winter sports. They can find several ski tows and a new chair lift that reaches 1,800 metres.

Around Laudemio Lake, that has a glacial origin, Nordic skiing and cross-country skiing can be practised.

In the other seasons, mountains offer many opportunities for those who love open-air activities. In spring, melting snow creates wonderful falls that flow into the most important streams in the area. In summertime ‘cookery walks’ can be organised, as well as camping. From middle summer to late autumn mushrooms pickers will find here their paradise.