APT Basilicata

APT Basilicata

Basilicata turistica

Parks and Protected Areas - Gallipoli Cognato Forest

Parco di Gallipoli Cognato
Località Palazzo - Accettura
Tel. 0835 675015 - Fax 0835 675015
Web: www.parcogallipolicognato.it
E-mail: [email protected]
Apertura: tutti i giorni fino alle ore 20.00
Note: per le visite guidate contattare la Coop. Nuova Atlantide - Cell. 328 7338268

The Gallipoli Cognato Forest (4,159 hectares) is one of the most beautiful and characteristic natural parks of Basilicata.

This forest is the result of the fusion of the two Woods of Gallipoli and of Cognato and is characterised by a remarkable altimetric variability, passing from heights close to 200 metres to others around 1,319 metres.

This Forest is rich in broad-leaved trees, coppices, durmasts and Turkey trees.

The vegetation is rich in cyclamens, anemones, violets and daisies. Variety can also be found in its animals, including species that have disappeared in other areas of the Apennines, badgers, wolves, beech martens, hares, some martens and hedgehogs. Amongst the amphibians there are dappled salamanders and yellow-bellied toads.

Amongst the reptiles there are geckos, yellow-green non-poisonous snakes, colibris and vipers. Many birds live here, including sparrows, great tits, robins, nightingales, blackbirds, spotted-woodpeckers, green-woodpeckers, goshawks, hawks, owls, brown owls and barn owls.