APT Basilicata

APT Basilicata

Basilicata turistica

Laurenzana - The Abetina Natural Riserve

WWF Basilicata
Via IV Novembre, 6 - 85100 Potenza
Tel. 0971 411382 - Fax 0971 411382
Web: www.wwf.it/basilicata
E-mail: [email protected]

The fir-wood of Laurenzana is one of the few remaining woods in the South of Italy that has Turkey oaks, beeches and silver firs. Some specimens of silver fir reach a circumference of 4 metres.

One of the most important characteristics of this kind of tree is that they are able to generate themselves spontaneously.

This natural reserve, 3000 hectares wide, is surrounded by other regional woods in which, as in the reserve, hunting is forbidden.

In this area there are blackthorns and blackberry bushes, wild roses and little pear trees.

The animals in this area are particularly interesting.

There are wolves, wild cats, hares and dormice. The wood is also populated by weasels, polecats, martens and badgers. Many are also the bird species in the wood, such as kites, hawks, buzzards and kestrels.