APT Basilicata

APT Basilicata

Basilicata turistica


Distance from Potenza: 49 km

Distance from Matera: 81 km

Altitude: 900 m amsl

Postal code: 75011

Inhabitants: 2478 (Accetturesi)

Commune in the province of Matera

The origins of this village are very old, as the finding of some votive earthenware of the IV-III centuries B.C., now kept in the Reggio Calabria Museum, have shown.

The first dwelling centre was built in the area called Raya, where nowadays the remains of a square fortress are still visible. In 1272 a fire destroyed the village that was shortly built again by Carlo d’Angiò.

Its name seems to come from the Latin word ‘acapiter’, which means sparrow-hawk. In the village there are the Main Church of San Nicola, characterised by a peculiar dome, and Sant’Antonio’s Church, that used to be attached to the Franciscan Convent founded in 1585. In this Church there are some canvases of the XVII century and a reliquary in multicoloured wood of the XVII-XVIII centuries, representing San Giuliano. On the facade of the Annunziata Church there is a painting of the XIX century, impressed on some majolica tiles, representing the ‘Annunciazione’.

Typical of this village is the event called ‘Maggio’.

Amministrazione Comunale

75011 - Via Roma
Tel. 0835 675005 - Fax 0835 675196
E-mail: [email protected]
Web: www.comunediaccettura.it

Pro Loco di Accettura

Via Roma, 13
75011 - Accettura (MT)
Tel.: 0835 675292 - Fax: 0835 675292
E-mail: [email protected]
Sito internet: www.prolocoaccettura.it
APERTURA: annuale
ORARI: 9:30-12:30 e 16:30-19:30