APT Basilicata

APT Basilicata

Basilicata turistica


Distance from Potenza: 65 km

Distance from Matera: 80 km

Altitude: 909 m amsl

Postal code: 75018

Inhabitants: 5794 (Stiglianesi)

Commune in the province of Matera

The town is very old, as the discovery of finds dating to the Iron Age in the immediate vicinity proves.

We have learned from some Latin inscriptions that the name of the town probably comes from ‘praedium Hostiliam’, land belonging to Tullus Hostilius, third king of Rome.

The town belonged to several noble families in the feudal period.

Very interesting from an artistic point of view are the Baroque church of the Assunta, which contains several XVI century paintings, and the church of Sant'Antonio, recently renovated, which has preserved a beautiful XVII century façade.

The ex-Convent ‘dei Riformati’, which houses the town hall at present, is another artistically interesting building, characterised by a cloister where the town coat of arms with the image of Tullus Hostilius is set into a wall.

The ruins of the mediaeval castle are situated on a rocky spur near the town. Being near Mount Serra and Mount Puponero and the Montepiano wood, the town is a starting point for interesting excursions.


Amministrazione Comunale

75018 - Via Zanardelli, 33
Tel. 0835 567200 - Fax 0835 562025
E-mail: [email protected]
Web: www.comune-stigliano.org/

Pro Loco di Stigliano

Pro Loco di Stigliano
Via Cilento, 2 - c/o Centro Sociale
75018 - Stigliano (MT)
Tel.: 0835 566053 - Fax: 0835 566053
Cell.: 349 7265030
E-mail: [email protected]

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