APT Basilicata

APT Basilicata

Basilicata turistica


Distance from Potenza: 130 km

Distance from Matera: 83 km

Altitude: 666 m amsl

Postal code: 75021

Inhabitants: 1581 (Colobraresi)

Commune in the province of Matera

The town boasts a beautiful view of the river Sinni valley as far as the Jonian Sea.

It developed around the cenoby of the Basil monks of Santa Maria di Cironofrio.

The castle, of which there are only a few ruins left, was built in the XIII century and was the residence of several feudatories such as the Sanseverinos, the Carafas, the Donnapernas and the Brancalassis.

The name Colobraro seems to have come from the Latin ‘colubarium’, meaning snake land, a definition originating from the characteristic bare rocky landscape which surrounds the town.

The XVII century church of San Nicola is interesting. It is characterised by large ogival windows and an inside with a nave and two aisles with marble and wooden altars.

Next to the church stands the chapel of the ‘Icona’, built in the XIV century and restored at the end of the XVIII century. Near the town stands the old XI century chapel of Santa Maria di Cironofrio, nowadays dedicated to ‘Santa Maria della Neve’.

Amministrazione Comunale

75021 - Via Maria SS. D'Anglona, 41
Tel. 0835 841016 - Fax 0835 841141