APT Basilicata

APT Basilicata

Basilicata turistica

San Mauro Forte

Distance from Potenza: 62 km

Distance from Matera: 60 km

Altitude: 665 m amsl

Postal code: 75010

Inhabitants: 2715 (Sanmauresi)

Commune in the province of Matera

The town, situated on a hill, seems to have developed in the Norman period. It was probably named after a Benedictine monastery dedicated to St. Mauro. San Mauro Forte was part of the earldom of Montescaglioso and from 1634 it was dominated by several feudal families.

In the town, it is possible to admire the ruins of the castle, built in the Norman-Swabian period and renovated by the Angevins, of which there is only the cylindrical three-storey tower left.

In the streets of the town it is possible to see several noble buildings, such as ‘Palazzo Arcieri’, seat of the town hall, and ‘Palazzo Lauria’, with a Baroque portal dating from 1770.

The procession of Our Lady of Sorrows, characterised by an ancient funeral lament accompanying it all the way, stands out among the Holy Week rites.

There are two water springs near the town: a sulphureous one in ‘contrada Rumolo’ and a chalybeate one in ‘contrada Foresta’.

Both of them can be reached through mule-tracks.

Amministrazione Comunale

75010 - Via Pietro Marsilio, 45
Tel. 0835 674015 - Fax 0835 674288
E-mail: [email protected]

Pro Loco di San Mauro Forte

Via Carlo Levi, 7
75010 - San Mauro Forte (MT)