APT Basilicata

APT Basilicata

Basilicata turistica


Distance from Potenza: 101 km

Distance from Matera: 0 km

Altitude: mt 440 amsl

Postal code: 75100

Inhabitants: 56924 (Materani)

[Map]  [Parco Murgia Map]
[Matera by Day]   [Matera by Night]  
[Chiesa della Palomba]   [Panorama in 2 dimensioni]

The town of Matera rises on a characteristic landscape of a deep ravine with overhanging rocks under which the Gravina stream flows.

This town has many faces, the most famous of which is certainly the ‘Sassi’, which the UNESCO has recognized as ‘humanity's patrimony to hand down to future generations’.

The ‘Sassi’ are dominated by the Cathedral of Mediaeval Age, and they lodge inside them the suggestive Museum of the Peasant Civilization.

All around Matera, in the ‘Murgia’, there is the Park of the Rock Hewn Churches.

San Francesco D'Assisi Church, situated in the homonymous square, and San Domenico Church, located in Vittorio Veneto square, are also beautiful.

The Tramontano Castle stands on a hillock not very far from the historical centre.

The Domenico Ridola Archaeological National Museum, which is close to the main square, is lodged into the buildings of the ex-monastery of Santa Chiara.

The feast of the ‘Madonna della Bruna’, which traces back to 1389, is celebrated on the 2nd of July.

Amministrazione Comunale

75100 - Via Aldo Moro
Tel. 0835 2411 - Fax 0835 241369
E-mail: [email protected]
Web: www.comune.mt.it

Pro Loco di Matera

"Pro Loco della città di Matera". Tra Storia, Cultura e Tradizioni
Via Lucana, 184/C
75100 - Matera (MT)
Cell.: 328 9333548 (anche WhatsApp)
E-mail: [email protected]
Sito internet: www.prolocomatera2019.it
E-mail: [email protected]
APERTURA: annuale
ORARI: Dal Lunedi al venerdi dalle 8:30 alle 13:00;
LINGUE PARLATE: inglese, francese
La Pro Loco risponde alle esigenze dei visitatori anche con disabilità.
La Pro loco effettua servizio di accoglienza e accompagnamento ai siti di interesse storico e culturale di Matera e provincia, riservati a gruppi delle pro loco d’Italia e associazioni non a scopo di lucro.

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