APT Basilicata

APT Basilicata

Basilicata turistica

Nova Siri

Distance from Potenza: 150 km

Distance from Matera: 87 km

Altitude: 355 m amsl

Postal code: 75020

Inhabitants: 6397 (Novasiresi)

Commune in the province of Matera

The original name of the town, ‘Bollita’, was replaced with the present Nova Siri in March 1872, on request of the town council, to commemorate its origins as an area belonging in the time of Magna Graecia to the Siritide region, whose old capital was Siris.

In the town centre it is possible to admire the Castle and the characteristic lanes of the ‘rione Porticella’ characterised by the ‘lamie’, intertwined arches with cross vaults.

The mother church dedicated to Santa Maria Assunta, with a façade in Baroque style and a bell tower rebuilt in 1866, after the collapse caused by the earthquake of 1857, is remarkable. The ruins of the ‘Villa Imperiale del Cigno dei Vagni’, the oldest construction in the area, are still visible.

‘Marina di Nova Siri’ is a seaside resort with wide sandy beaches and a limpid sea; the promenade is bordered by pine woods equipped with refreshment facilities and a long path which can be used for walking or cycling. There are also holiday villages and camping sites.

Amministrazione Comunale

75020 - Largo Melidoro
Tel. 0835 5061 - Fax 0835 506226
E-mail: [email protected]
Web: www.comune.novasiri.mt.it

Pro Loco di Nova Siri

Piazza Plebiscito, 1 - Sede operativa: Viale Siris, 22
75020 - Nova Siri (MT)
Tel.: 0835 505586 - Fax: 0835 505586
Cell.: 347 8879252
E-mail: [email protected]
APERTURA: stagionale (giugno-settembre)
ORARI: 9:30-12:30 e 18:00-21:00

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