APT Basilicata

APT Basilicata

Basilicata turistica


Distance from Potenza: 72 km

Distance from Matera: 53 km

Altitude: 596 m amsl

Postal code: 75017

Inhabitants: 3230 (Salandresi)

Commune in the province of Matera

The town is situated on a hill and dominates the torrent Salandrella Valley. Its origins probably date back to the Norman period.

It later became a feud of the baron Gilberto from Salandra, who was succeeded by Francesco Attendolo Sforza and the Revertera family.

In the town, it is possible to see the ruins of the castle, built in the XII century, of which there are few walls and two arches left.

The XVII century ‘Convento della Riforma’, characterised by an elegant portal and sculptures portraying two lions in Romanesque style, is very beautiful from an artistic point of view.

The church of Sant'Antonio is noteworthy. Inside it, it is possible to admire a precious XVII century polyptych portraying the Virgin Mary with the Infant, attributed to the Monk Simone da Firenze, and another polyptych, dating from 1580, by Antonio Stabile.

Amministrazione Comunale

75017 - Via Regina Margherita, 1
Tel. 0835 673961 - Fax 0835 673013
E-mail: [email protected]
Web: www.comunedisalandra.it

Pro Loco di Salandra

Via Regina Margherita, 4
75017 - Salandra (MT)
Tel.: 0835 673802 - Fax: 0835 679938
Cell.: 347 6877689
E-mail: [email protected]
Sito internet: www.prolocosalandra.it
APERTURA: annuale
ORARI: 16:00-20:00
LINGUE PARLATE: inglese, tedesco, spagnolo

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