APT Basilicata

APT Basilicata

Basilicata turistica


Distance from Potenza: 28 km

Distance from Matera: 126 km

Altitude: 685 m amsl

Postal code: 85050

Inhabitants: 2685 (Baragianesi)

Commune in the province of Potenza

The old origins of this village are proofed by some archaeological finds discovered in the area called ‘Braida’, such as the ruins of the walls dating back to the VI-V centuries.

In the old centre there are some palaces with beautiful portals, such as Palazzo Iura and Palazzo Venetucci. In the highest part of the village there are the ruins of the old Castle.

The Church of S. Maria Assunta has renaissance origins, but has been changed and renovated several times. Its facade is simple and enriched by 3 stone steles. Inside, there is the statue of the Assunta, on the left a wooden Crucifix of the XVII-XVIII centuries, on the right a stoup with a stone base and the wooden statue of the Madonna del Carmine, of the XVI century. S. Rocco’s Chapel, of the XVI century, and the Church of the Annunziata, of the XV century, are also interesting.

Amministrazione Comunale

85050 - Corso Garibaldi, 18
Tel. 0971 997071 - Fax 0971 997301
E-mail: [email protected]
Web: www.comune.baragiano.pz.it