APT Basilicata

APT Basilicata

Basilicata turistica


Distance from Potenza: 30 km

Distance from Matera: 112 km

Altitude: 730 m amsl

Postal code: 85010

Inhabitants: 2214 (Calvellesi)

Commune in the province of Potenza

This village, whose origins date back to the XII century, started as a Longobard stronghold. For this reason, along with most of the villages in Basilicata, Calvello was a fief that belonged to noble families for a long time. During the rebel movements of 1820, in this village the meeting of the Carboneria of Basilicata, Puglia and Campania, held by Carlo Mazziotta, took place.

In the old centre of the village there is the castle, ancient manor of the several feudal lords who succeeded one another as time went by.

Santa Maria de Plano, XII century, is a very interesting Church, one of the most beautiful in the region. Sant’Antuono Bridge is very evocative. It was built in the XII century and shows a peculiar kind of arch. Santa Maria degli Angeli Church, has traces of frescos from 1400 and 1600.

In the surroundings of Calvello, on the mountainside of the Volturino Mountain, there are some of the best pastures in Basilicata, where goats, sheep, horses and cows are bred. The cows belong to the ‘razza podolica’, a particular species of cow, whose milk is used for producing the typical local ‘caciocavallo’ cheese.

Amministrazione Comunale

85010 - Piazza Falcone, 1
Tel. 0971 921911 - Fax 0971 921921
E-mail: [email protected]
Web: www.comune.calvello.pz.it

Pro Loco di Calvello

Corso Vittorio Emanuele
85010 - Calvello (PZ)
Cell.: 347 2164298
E-mail: [email protected]
Sito internet: www.calvelloturismo.it 
APERTURA: stagionale (giugno-settembre)
ORARI: 10:00-12:00 e 17:00-19:00

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