APT Basilicata

APT Basilicata

Basilicata turistica

Oppido Lucano

Distance from Potenza: 36 km

Distance from Matera: 71 km

Altitude: 670 m amsl

Postal code: 85015

Inhabitants: 3996 (Oppidesi)

Commune in the province of Potenza

It has mediaeval origins and keeps its original outlook in its old centre, where the ruins of the Castle, known in the Middle Ages as ‘Magnum Castrum’, can be found. Of its old structure only the main portal remains, with the coat of arms of the Orsini.

In the Baroque Parish Church of the Santi Pietro e Paolo (XVII century) are a painting representing the ‘Ultima Cena’, of the XVII century, and some wooden sculptures.

Sant’Antonio’s Convent and its Church are of the XV century. Inside it, there is a Renaissance polyptych, a triptych on wood, a wooden choir of the XVII century and several canvases of the XVII century.

Not far from the village there is the Sanctuary of Santa Maria del Belvedere; in its Church there is a wooden statue representing the ‘Madonna col Bambino’, of the XIV century.

In the area called ‘Sant’Antuono’, in a cave connected to the ruins of a church, there are some frescos and some decorations of the XV century.

Amministrazione Comunale

85015 - Via Bari, 16
Tel. 0971 945002 - Fax 0971 945682
E-mail: [email protected]
Web: www.comune.oppidolucano.pz.it