APT Basilicata

APT Basilicata

Basilicata turistica

Francavilla in Sinni

Distance from Potenza: 132 km

Distance from Matera: 105 km

Altitude: 450 m amsl

Postal code: 85034

Inhabitants: 4250 (Francavillesi)

Commune in the province of Potenza

This village is situated on the bank of the River Sinni. It was built in the XV century and in 1420 Queen Giovanna II gave permission to the Carthusian monks to build up dwellings for the farmers that were released from paying tributes. The name of this village derives right from this event.

The Main Church, dedicated to San Felice and San Policarpo, Sant’Antonio’s Church and San Giuseppe’s Church are rather interesting.

In the surrounding countryside there are the remains of the important Convent of San Nicola and the ruins of the Convent of the Ventrile.

This town, which belongs to the area of the National Park of Pollino, is sourrounded by woods of beeches, firs and Turkey oaks. The ‘Pietra Sasso’ is a peculiar kind of rock, typical of this area, which can be seen all around the Park, as well as a sulphureous water spring in the Avena Wood and the ‘Timpa delle Murge’, magmatic rocks formed on the seabed which, over the centuries, were lifted by tectonic movements.

Amministrazione Comunale

85034 - Piazza Mainieri
Tel. 0973 577103 - Fax 0973 577473
E-mail: [email protected]
Web: www.comune.francavillainsinni.pz.it

Pro Loco di Francavilla in Sinni

Via Roma
85034 - Francavilla in Sinni (PZ)
Tel.: 0973 574305 - Fax: 0973 577427
Cell.: 338 6681875
E-mail: [email protected]

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