APT Basilicata

APT Basilicata

Basilicata turistica

Savoia di Lucania

Distance from Potenza: 28 km

Distance from Matera: 127 km

Altitude: 750 m amsl

Postal code: 85050

Inhabitants: 1266 (Salviani)

Commune in the province of Potenza

This village was built on a rock overlooking the Melandro Stream, tributary of the River Sele.

It used to be called ‘Salvia’ (Sage). This name probably comes from the big quantity of sage plants that can be found on the surrounding hills.

Because of the attempt on the life of King Umberto I made by Giovanni Passannante, native of this village, the local authorities decided to change its name into Savoia di Lucania, in order to show their loyalty to the king.

The Church of San Rocco, built in the XVI century, is the only one in the village. Its structure is characterised by a bell tower and by a stone portal. Inside it, there are a Baroque high altar in multicoloured marble, some canvases of the XVIII century, made by Pietrafesa, and a wooden statue representing the ‘Immacolata’.

Not far from the village, in the area called ‘Monte Macchia Carrara’, there is a rich wood with evocative paths.

Amministrazione Comunale

85050 - Piazza Plebiscito, 19
Tel. 0971 711000 - Fax 0971 711009
E-mail: [email protected]
Web: www.comune.savoia.pz.it

Pro Loco di Savoia di Lucania "Salviana"

C.so V. Emanuele
85050 - Savoia di Lucania (PZ)
Cell.: 335 6625844
E-mail: [email protected]
Sito internet: www.prolocosalviana.it
NOTE: non dispone di una sede operativa aperta al pubblico.