APT Basilicata

APT Basilicata

Basilicata turistica


Distance from Potenza: 67 km

Distance from Matera: 104 km

Altitude: 645 m amsl

Postal code: 85039

Inhabitants: 1786 (Spinosesi)

Commune in the province of Potenza

This village, as all the others in this area, was originated by the destruction of Grumentum, between the IX and the X centuries. The refugees found shelter on the mountainsides of the ‘Monte Raparo’, where some shepherds and some farmers coming from ‘Carro Nuovo’, a very old rural centre, had already moved. Here the two communities merged together creating the first village, called ‘Spinoso’. Since the XII century it was dominated by several feudal lords up to the Spinelli Marquis.

The streets of this village are rich with palaces of the XVI and XVII centuries, with stone portals. Amongst the most beautiful, there are ‘Palazzo Caltieri’, ‘Palazzo De Risi’, ‘Palazzo Romano’, ‘Palazzo Spolidoro’ and ‘Palazzo Ranone’. The Church of Santa Maria Assunta, built in 1593, is very beautiful.

Not far from the village there is the Pertusillo Lake, an artificial dam that allows the irrigation of the fields and the production of electricity.

Amministrazione Comunale

85050 - Via Petrocelli, 1
Tel. 0971 954001 - Fax 0971 954001
E-mail: [email protected]
Web: www.comune.spinoso.pz.it

Pro Loco di Spinoso

Largo S. Nicola, 4
85050 - Spinoso (PZ)
Tel.: 0971 954717 - Fax: 0971 954717
E-mail: [email protected]
APERTURA: annuale
ORARI: lun-sab 09:00-13:00 e 15:00-19:00
LINGUE PARLATE: inglese, francese