APT Basilicata

APT Basilicata

Basilicata turistica

Marsico Nuovo

Distance from Potenza: 31 km

Distance from Matera: 131 km

Altitude: 836 m amsl

Postal code: 85052

Inhabitants: 5189 (Marsicani)

Commune in the province of Potenza

The origin of this village is connected to the ‘Marsi’ who founded it with the name of ‘Abellinum Marsicum’. It was Episcopal seat from 370 A.D. and during the Longobard domination (780 A.D.) it was one of the most powerful strongholds of Salerno.

At the beginning the village was only built around the Castle, placed on the top of the ‘Civita’ where nowadays a Franciscan Convent is, while in the suburbs there were the Benedictine Abbey of Santo Stefano and the Cathedral of San Michele that used to keep the main entrance to town under control. It was an antiborbonic village and many of its inhabitants stood out during the Risings of 1820-21.

Many beautiful palaces are in the village, as well as a Cathedral and the Church of San Gianuario, patron of the village, founded in the XIII century.

At a few miles of distance from the centre, there is the Sanctuary of Santa Maria di Costantinopoli, where some frescos of the XVI century are kept.

The village, equipped with modern skiing facilities and very good slopes and ski tows, is a good place for practising winter sports.

Amministrazione Comunale

85052 - Via Municipio, 1
Tel. 0975 345111 - Fax 0975 345211
E-mail: [email protected]
Web: www.comune.marsiconuovo.it

Pro Loco di Marsico Nuovo "Marsico '93"

Piazza Municipio, 17
85052 - Marsico Nuovo (PZ)
Tel.: 0975 344127
Cell.: 347 0392554
E-mail: [email protected]
POSIZIONE: centro 
NOTE: si organizzano visite guidate al centro storico il sabato pomeriggio (previa prenotazione con almeno due giorni di anticipo).

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Numeri utili

Carabinieri: Tel. 0975 342001
Polizia municipale: Tel. 0975 345201
Guardia medica: Tel. 0975 342442