APT Basilicata

APT Basilicata

Basilicata turistica


Distance from Potenza: 65 km

Distance from Matera: 118 km

Altitude: 880 m amsl

Postal code: 85050

Inhabitants: 4797 (Moliternesi)

Commune in the province of Potenza

This village was built around its feudal Castle, dating from the late Angevin period. It was a Longobard fortress and in the XVIII century was the site of an important school of medicine.

Its name comes from the ‘Torre Merlata’, also represented in the town’s coat of arms. This tower, considered as a ‘Moles Eterna’, was, for this reason, first called ‘Moleterna’ and then ‘Moliterno’.

In the centre of the village it is possible to see the Castle of Longobard origin, an imposing masterpiece having two towers and an embattled body.

Amongst the several churches, it is worth visit the Church of the Assunta, with a façade dating from 1700. The Church of Santa Croce is rich in artworks. It has Franciscan origins, dating back to 1600, inside it there are some Baroque altars, a Gothic Crucifix of the XVII century, and a reliquary in walnut wood.

This village has narrow and picturesque streets.

There are many elegant palaces, such as ‘Palazzo Lovito’, ‘Palazzo Gilberto’ and ‘Palazzo Valinoto’. Moliterno is famous for producing the ‘pecorino di Moliterno’.

Amministrazione Comunale

85047 - Piazza V. Veneto, 1
Tel. 0975 668511 - Fax 0975 668537
E-mail: [email protected]
Web: www.comune.moliterno.pz.it

Pro Loco di Moliterno "Campus"

Piazza Vittorio Veneto, 1
85047 - Moliterno (PZ)
Tel.: 0975 668511 - Fax: 0975 668537
Cell.: 328 8496959
E-mail: [email protected]
APERTURA: annuale
ORARI: in inverno 19:00-21:00 / in estate 15:00-22:00
LINGUE PARLATE: inglese, francese
NOTE: Collabora con il centro di educazione ambientale (area Sic - Faggeta di Moliterno) che organizza percorsi guidati.

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