APT Basilicata

APT Basilicata

Basilicata turistica


Distance from Potenza: 135 km

Distance from Matera: 115 km

Altitude: 806 m amsl

Postal code: 85030

Inhabitants: 777 (Teanesi)

Commune in the province of Potenza

This village, built during the Longobard dominion between the X and the XI centuries, became a religious centre inhabited by Basil monks and was known at the time as ‘Castello di Latiano’. Later, it was called ‘Tigana’, from the Greek word ‘Teganus’ that was later changed into ‘Teana’.

In the village the Main Church of the Madonna del Carmine and San Cristoforo’s Chapel are worth seeing.

The old centre, with a mediaeval structure, is built around the Castle. From there it is possible to enjoy a wonderful view.

Amongst the palaces spread in the village, Palazzo Lecce will be noticed. The ‘Museo della Civiltà Contadina’ (Museum of the Paesant Civilisation) is very interesting.

This village is surrounded by woods that supply very good wood and, in autumn, a wide range of mushrooms.

Amministrazione Comunale

85032 - Via Provinciale
Tel. 0973 572001 - Fax 0973 572393
E-mail: [email protected]

Pro Loco di Teana

Largo Costantinopoli
85032 - Teana (PZ)