APT Basilicata

APT Basilicata

Basilicata turistica


Distance from Potenza: 121 km

Distance from Matera: 119 km

Altitude: 960 m amsl

Postal code: 85031

Inhabitants: 1800 (Castellani)

Commune in the province of Potenza

This village, with a mediaeval structure, is surrounded by thick woods and by a little mountain called ‘Castel Veglia’. Its origins are uncertain, though it is thought to have been built at the beginning of the year 1000, under the Saracen domination. A different hypothesis considers that the people living in Planula, in order to defend themselves from the assaults of Saracens, built up a fortress where Castelsaraceno is now. Later this centre belonged to several local barons and feudal lords.

In the village there are the Church of Santa Maria degli Angeli, XVI century, and the Church of Santo Spirito, built between the XVI and the XVII centuries.

The ‘Palazzo Baronale’ (XV century) is very interesting.

This village has the ancient tradition of the ‘Rito dell’antenna’, held in June: a well polished beech log, 20 metres long, is attached to the top of a fir and then raised up in the middle of the square.

Amministrazione Comunale

85031 - Via Vittorio Emanuele, 121
Tel. 0973 832013 - Fax 0973 832573
E-mail: [email protected]
Web: www.comune.castelsaraceno.pz.it

Pro Loco di Castelsaraceno

Via Vittorio Emanuele, 2
85031 - Castelsaraceno (PZ)
Cell.: 327 7785524
E-mail:[email protected]
Sito internet: www.prolococastelsaraceno.it