Distance from Potenza: 89 km
Distance from Matera: 90 km
Altitude: 654 m amsl
Postal code: 85010
Inhabitants: 624 (Missanellesi)
Commune in the province of Potenza
This is a farm centre, surrounded by an area rich with olive groves. Its name used to be ‘Mesheolum’ or ‘Mesnellum’, later it took the name of ‘Missanello’ from the family that governed it at the time.
The first historical records about its origins date back to 1072. Over the years several feudal lords ruled over it, amongst them, Guglielmo Berengario, Roberto De Autresche, Coppola del Sangro, Pappacoda and Lenini.
What is left of the feudal period is the Castle, on the higher part of the village. The Main Church of San Nicola Magno has a portal with an indented frame. Inside it there are a polyptych of the XIV century representing the Madonna and a statue of the Saint (1300).
85010 - Via S. Rocco, 9
Tel. 0971 955076 - Fax 0971 955235
E-mail: [email protected]